Today our young students created toys with the magic water as an introduction to the new IEYC unit “My Toy Shop”.

Creativity fosters problem-solving, promotes teamwork, improves leadership, and encourages innovation. Today our young students created toys with the magic water as an introduction to the new IEYC unit “My Toy Shop”.

We are facing an environmental disaster therefore learning how to care for our environment is an essential life skill.

One that can start from a very young age! We are educating kids about recycling, the 3R (R is for reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

Our teachers are creating enabling environments for young children.

The World Around Us. Our teachers are creating enabling environments for young children. This is the room for our early year students to explore and discover things around their environment. 

Water Festival Celebration at Brightstar

The Cambodian Water Festival is celebrated in early November. It marks the end of monsoon season, and a reversal of the flow between the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers. This celebration is to give thanks to the rivers, as they provide the region with fertile farmland and plenty of fish. Our teachers and staff made a brief presentation about the history and meaning of the Water Festival to the students and our staff from different countries. Happy Water Festival!

We know the importance of creating the best academic settings

We know the importance of creating the best academic settings, offering young learners a calm, nurturing, and predictable social and emotional environment, and promoting their self-regulation skills, helps them feel safe and secure so they can learn, play, and grow with confidence.

Hands-on activities allow our Early Years students to use their senses while learning.

We encourage hands-on activities because it allows our Early Years students to use their senses while learning.  They see, touch, and move on activities real objects to complete tasks. This means that letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and more are brought to life.





We encourage physical activity during playtime as it helps with the development of motor skills.

At Brightstar International School in Sen Sok, we encourage physical activity during playtime as it helps with the development of motor skills, which is responsible for helping them master the basic movements they need for everyday life.

Early Years students loved making and playing with playdough.

At Brightstar International School in Sen Sok, Early Years students loved making and playing with playdough. When a child molds with playdough, the experience is always positive. There is no right or wrong way to do it, so they always feel success with their creations.


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At Brightstar International School, Primary students are learning about Hydroponic agriculture

At Brightstar International School in Sensok, Primary students are learning about Hydroponic agriculture and the benefits it brings to plants through delivering nutrients in a soluble form. Students are having a great time learning and preparing to plant their own vegetables.

Enrollments for Primary are still open!

To book a campus tour and assessment contact us now at 012 408 789.
We can’t wait to welcome you at our child friendly, beautifully landscaped, and natural green space.
Limited space is available. Terms and conditions apply.
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