Swimming especially for kids is a life saving skill

Swimming especially for kids is a life saving skill that not only promotes overall physical well being but also improves confidence, quality of sleep and better cognitive function that leads to academic success. At Brightstar we recognize this and provide the opportunity to all our students in our huge state of the art swimming pool. As parents we need to encourage our children to participate, so they don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity.

The Primary 2 students have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes.

The Primary 2 students have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes. In this activity the students identified the materials needed to make cupcakes, and how when heat is applied none of the materials can change back to its original properties.
They enjoyed visualizing the chemical changes as well as tasting it!

Primary students had an exciting sports lesson in the indoor gym today

Primary students had an exciting sports lesson in the indoor gym today, learning how to play basketball by shooting hoops all whilst inculcating strength, agility and teamwork. Way to go students!

Today the students had a lot of fun, singing songs and enjoying outdoor activities

Today the students had a lot of fun, singing songs and enjoying outdoor activities. Being outdoors in the green open space is proven to have positive impact on the social and emotional development of children.

Today, Primary students learned

Today, Primary students learned how to practice as a team as well as new fitness techniques to assist them in their endurance training which consists of thinking on their feet, and in today’s science class, our Primary 2 students reviewed the different properties of materials as well as how they are used to make useful materials.

Grade 1 is learning about animals

Grade 1 is learning about animals, how they move, their body parts and how they are similar to humans as well how they differentiate between humans and other animals. The students immensely enjoyed discussing their animal choices among their team and enjoyed getting creative!

The Primary classes with the new timetables can focus on learning and collaborative learning.

The Primary classes with the new timetables can focus on learning and collaborative learning. Students are more engaged and differentiated learning supports student enquiry and success. Here is a small peek of what happened in primary this week.

These are the sport theme and Disney theme

These are the sport theme and Disney theme. Our staff and students looked great showing off their sporty gear! Some classes had a lot of fun outdoors too, doing sports, playing games and Disney theme was a great success! lovely to see the kids dressed up as princes and princesses, super heroes, marvel characters, popular films and of course Disney characters. The teachers and teacher assistants joined the fun as well. Certificates were given to best dressed kids. Tomorrow is Pajama day so its going to be another fun day at school.

This week, we are celebrating school spirit! No uniforms and every day a new theme.

This week, we are celebrating school spirit! No uniforms and every day a new theme. Today was ‘ blue jean day’. Thanks to all our parents for dressing up their kids in blue jeans. Just to make it a little more fun, we decided to give small certificates to kids dressed according to theme. Wish we could give certificates to all, but we selected one from each grade level! Its not about winning finally- its all about participation. Our teachers also had fun. Check out the photos! Remember tomorrow is ” sporty day” – so sports outfits/ hats/ shoes/ or school PE uniform is fine as well.

It was just wonderful to see our parents interacting with our teachers today during PTC

. Engaging with teachers is a very crucial step towards understanding our children’s needs across all subjects and topics and then look at ways how to improve the learning both at home and school. Special thanks to our amazing faculty and staff. Have a great rest of the weekend and we will see you next week dressed in spirit week themes!

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