Spirit Week-Day 1- Jungle Safari

Spirit Week-Day 1- Jungle Safari- ខាងសាលាពិតជា សប្បាយណាស់ដែលបានឃើញសិស្ស…





At BSIPP, we understand the importance of physical activity for our students

សាលាអន្តរជាតិប្រាយស្តារភ្នំពេញ ពិតជាយល់យ៉ាងច្បាស់នូវភាពចាំបាច់នៃសកម្មភាពរាងកាយ…

Our swimming instructor not only has expert knowledge in swimming techniques

Our swimming instructor not only has expert knowledge in swimming techniques, but has great interpersonal…

Our grade 1 students are learning about animal groups.

Our grade 1 students are learning about animal groups. They learnt some interesting facts as well as…

At our school, we understand the importance of imparting confidence,

At our school, we understand the importance of imparting confidence, self discipline, respect for oneself…

Primary 5

Primary 5, had to present their presentation about a famous person of their own choice to the class….

Swimming especially for kids is a life saving skill

Swimming especially for kids is a life saving skill that not only promotes overall physical well being…
